Report compromised account

Facebook. DUKUN77 facebook. Report compromised account. If LAJUTOTO you believe your account has been compromised by another person or a virus, please click the "My account is  Hacked and impersonation accounts. If someone hacked your account, visit on a device you've used to log in to Facebook before. If that  Visit on a device you've used to log into Facebook before. If that doesn't help, visit this guide to the right solution for your  Jun 5, 2023 I saw that Meta Verified is now an option for $14.99 a month and I read that it includes some customer support. Does KOTA188 anyone know more about this? Apr 25, 2023 You can DEWACUAN99 tell you were not hacked because they ask you to call them. They want you to call them so they can try to get you to give up sensitive information.

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