Jun 9, memo4d 2014 The main aim of the Inter99 study was to investigate whether a decrease in the incidence of ischaemic heart disease could be achieved in a Mar 6, 2015 Methods: The study was a population-based randomized controlled trial, Inter99 (1999-2006), Copenhagen, Denmark. Over five years, all Jul 12, 2021 Inter99. Inter99-undersøgelsen er den største danske mpo505 lodtrækningsundersøgelse, sabang bet og én af de største i verden, der har undersøgt effekten af A simple self-administered questionnaire identifying individuals with undiagnosed diabetes with a sensitivity of 75% and minimizing the high-risk group needing Inter99 study and in a high-risk subpopulation, separately. RESEARCH maxbet88 DESIGN AND METHODS. From a population-based primary prevention study, the Inter99 study